How to calculate the online reach of podcasts?
Determining how successful your podcast is doing can change the way you create and promote your content. This information is dependent on podcast metrics that can be delivered from the several platforms and hosts that you use. While it is easy to look at just one platform to try and determine what the total reach of your podcast is, that will not give you a complete download count.
To calculate the online reach of podcasts you need to dig into the analytics provided on the platforms you use.
Know What Each Platform Tells You
Each platform that you use to host episodes of your podcast is going to offer different information that it collects. In addition to the type of information collected, each will collect information in different ways, showing only what that platform deems important. Once you have an idea of what each platform tells you, it is then easier to understand what your overall reach looks like.
Know the Difference Between Downloads, Plays, and Subscribers
When it comes to podcasts, there is a huge difference in determining how many views, downloads, and plays content has when compared to other types of media. Downloads does not mean plays, and subscribers do not always translate into downloads or plays either. Different platforms will gather each of these metrics, while some will only report one over the other. It is important to know that while some listening platforms will auto download an episode, it does not mean the episode has been played. These podcast metrics have to be gathered and used with each other to get an overall idea of what your online reach is.
Analyzing Podcast Statistics
The individual statistics that are reported from the various platforms your podcast is hosted on needs to be analyzed to give you a better idea of what your online reach looks like. This information can also factor in social media reach, because these numbers will factor into where your traffic comes from and how that translates into new listeners. Additionally, a good podcast analytics platform will help you determine where your online reach is greatest so you can focus your content creation in order to maximize advertising reach and revenue.
Read a similar article about monetize a podcast here at this page.